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Comprehensive Guide To Start a T Shirt Clothing Brand

Comprehensive Guide To Start a T Shirt Clothing Brand

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Being interested in the t shirt clothing business, brands must know what they should do to cater to customer needs. Before even that, emerging entrepreneurs should consider certain factors that could help them grow better in the apparel industry. 

Given the ever-growing clothes industry, it’s nearly impossible to invest on a greater level and cover every niche. That is why this particular piece of text will guide you to start with a t shirt clothing brand. Through this blog, the urge will guide you through the steps that can guarantee your success in the giant apparel industry. 

The word t shirt may seem simple and not very prominent since it’s just a fragment among multiple niches. However, one must understand the idea of just selling tees to the customers because there is so much more that brands need to learn about various tees. 

Also, having a t shirt manufacturer by your side is one of the most important things to consider while turning your business idea into reality. Without a proper supplier, you will have to face a lot of burdens. To overcome that workload, a manufacturer can help you with the designs, sizes, prints, and everything a tee should have. 

Moreover, people have great knowledge today about fashion trends and a sense of style as these are the aspects that identify their personality among their social companions. Therefore, understanding the broad mindset of customers is essential for a business entity to avoid the misperception regarding the latest era’s ongoing fashion. 

There are several things to consider before jumping into a t shirt clothing line. The blog will discuss all the important guidelines for launching a new and innovative brand. 

Market Surveys for Deeper Idea About T Shirt Clothing

Market Surveys for Deeper Idea About T Shirt Clothing

Becoming successful in the apparel industry is challenging but possible. When you are dealing in the t shirt niche, you have control over all the possible outcomes your mind has come across. But it would help if you began with the market survey in terms of comprehending the types of shirts that customers are interested in. Today, people need to look for more than just comfort but also quality, style, and uniqueness while shopping for shirts. Since the word fashion has taken over the world, the variety of clothes has become necessary for brands to satisfy customer needs. 

T shirt Clothing Business Based on Regional Knowledge

In addition, the T-shirts industry is segmented regionally. This indicates that the market is divided differently into the locals and tourists of a particular area. Thus, analysis is a must to do to comprehend people’s requirements. 

For instance, every country has its own culture, and the cities further divide that culture into various traditions. The traditional practices lead people toward wearing certain clothes. This is your cue, as your brand can study the cultural clothing of people as per their regional background and get the shirts designed by an expert t shirt manufacturer.

Global Fashion Trends

Global fashion Trends

A brand owner needs to think outside the box to make himself appear in the apparel world. The brainstorming should be about the ongoing fashion. Simply put, a brand needs to consider all the existing and outdated fashion trends important for many interested in social practices. The customers know what they need and who to go to when they have specific outfit ideas. In order to cater to that mindset of customers, a seller should be prepared with a variety of clothes. However, it is nearly impossible for any clothing outlet to have all the products available all the time. Thus, an experienced manufacturer is essential to have by one’s side. 

The market is composed of teenagers, adults, and young people. Companies in the area need to consider the preferences of these different demographics when developing products for summer T-shirts. Tees represent individuals, so brands should be aware of what they sell to their customers. 

Mega Sports Apparel is the best t shirt manufacturer in the apparel industry due to its customer-oriented services. If a t shirt selling brand is curious about what to offer to its customers and how to attract more people to its store, it can take help from an experienced platform to design bulk products. 

Competitor Analysis

Competitor Analysis

Knowing what’s happening within the clothing industry before stepping into the apparel business world is very important. Many brands wonder what went wrong while trying to satisfy their customers. They feel ripped off since they couldn’t keep up with the ever-growing t shirt market. 

To avoid regret, companies need to pay attention to product innovation and differentiation. They need to understand that other giants must sell the same things but with various approaches. Brands can design a unique offering that differentiates them from the competition and creates customer appeal.

Brands can also distinguish themselves from their competitors through out-of-this-world promotions, advertising campaigns, public relations, and influencer collaborations. In addition, brands should tread carefully in choosing partnerships with entities having the same ideals to retain their supporters.

T shirt Sales Stats in the USA

T shirt Sales Stats in the USA

According to the t shirt sales forecast, revenue from the T-Shirts sales rate in 2022 was $5.04 billion. Market growth is expected to be 3.97% per year. 

In 2022, U.S. revenue per person was $15.06, based on total population figures. Between 2022 and 2030, the custom t-shirt printing market is expected to grow by a 10.1 percent compound annual growth rate.

Regarding Custom Printing Statistics, T-shirts are sold in excess of 2 billion every year. With over 50% of the global market for Custom T-shirts Printing, screen printing was reportedly the industry’s largest segment. Global custom t-shirt printing accounted for 1.16 billion U.S. dollars in 2016 and is expected to reach 3.1 billion U.S. dollars by 2025.

A total of $5.71 was generated globally per person in 2022, based on population statistics. By 2023, T-Shirts will register a 5.5% growth in global volume.

In addition to reducing water consumption by approximately 90%, digital printing reduces electricity consumption by approximately 30%.

Sustainability Stats of T shirts 

Approximately 80% of Americans, regardless of their demographic background, feel a sense of attachment to one of their old t-shirts, which is most likely to be one that they purchased while travelling.

In an attempt to learn the fate of all the t-shirts created for sports leagues, fraternity parties, church camps, fundraisers, and countless other events and groups, a nationwide study was conducted to uncover the fate of all the t-shirts produced for them.

Statistics were obtained from 79 respondents who still have an old shirt and 79 who have more than one shirt. The report showed a mean figure of 2.5 for the number of shirts the average number of respondents has. This is based on 27 people stating they have one from their favorite professional or college sports team. In addition, 17 respondents stated that there is a shirt from a team they were still associated with.

Almost 48% of respondents cited shirts picked up on vacation as their favorite. Other popular shirts include those from business employers, concerts, favorite pro or college sports teams, and charity runs. According to the survey, only 7% of 18-24-year-olds say they haven’t kept a t-shirt, while 21% of the overall population says they haven’t.

Consider Economic Methods

Consider Economic Methods

A good deal of capital investment is important to begin a t shirt clothing line since money can get you to pace up things. However, it is only sometimes necessary to spend a great deal of money to impress clients with expensive apparel. The brands can minimize their expenses by adapting economical ways. This is because quality is much more important than expensive clothing. There are multiple ways through which a brand can start a business without falling into financial setbacks by spending too much money in the name of investment. 

Ready To Launch your Own Clothing line?

Plan Your Investment Strategies

Before starting any business, the first and much necessary thing is to plan the perfect strategies that may help a business gain profit and not loss. Strategically, a person with an idea to construct an ideal t shirt business can set the achievable goals. Entrepreneurs have the authority to control all the variables indicating the success of their clothing business. 

The brands can categorize their niches and invest only according to those instead of purchasing everything to stay loaded with all the products. Having multiple niches is good, but getting confused over the hot-selling products and regular-selling items that don’t seem appealing is bad for business. 

First thing first, research the market, select the niches, and go with the flow. 

Hire a T Shirt Manufacturer

Hire a T Shirt Manufacturer

Hiring a t shirt manufacturer will benefit the business big time because a brand owner can’t produce clothes on his own. And the store needs to be filled with all the hot selling shirts that customers want. 

Also, the customization option is impressive for any brand owner to entertain specific customers. For that, an experienced manufacturer with industry knowledge is highly advantageous. Brands can get customized bulk t shirts for their customers. 

Other than that, a manufacturer can offer a wide range of services to help businesspeople groom their businesses.   

Sports apparel manufacturers offer different types of t shirts to brands, from performance-based shirts that provide athletes with breathable and sweat-wicking fabric to collegiate and retro-style shirts for everyday wear. 

Publicity and Marketing

Publicity and Marketing

To start a good t shirt clothing business, it is always a good idea to opt for a marketing plan. Word-of-mouth publicity is quite effective for any business to grow better. The brand owners need to utilize this idea. Firstly, offer samples to the customers and then ask them to give reviews. They can later ask the customers to share their thought about the tee with the social circle. 

Secondly, digital marketing is very effective in running promotions for the business. Brands are supposed to ensure the right strategies to opt for digital or social media marketing. They can run paid promotions or any other means of promoting their brands in the apparel industry. 

Quality Control 

Quality Control 

Today, people interested in stylish t shirts look for quality clothes at cheaper rates. Not everyone can afford expensive clothes, but most prefer fashionable tees at lower rates. This is one of the factors that can help emerging business persons prosper among customers. Competitors may offer higher prices and justify them based on the quality of the clothes. However, customers with different mindsets want to spend less on high-quality shirts. 

Other than that, people are aware of quality products today, so tricking them would be a big mistake. Also, it is very important to understand the sensitivity of the matter that businesses bloom when the owners are honest. The best thing to do will be to take certain factors into consideration while dealing in t shirts. 

High-Quality Products

The production process is the greatest aspect of maintaining quality for any clothing brand. For brands to produce high-quality apparel, they must consider the best resources, thoroughly build a product, and use the most suitable equipment.

Finest Fabric 

The priority of any tee brand should be high-quality materials for the t shirts. To ensure that the material will withstand the test of time, brands must select strong and durable fabrics, as well as made from the right type of material, like spandex, which will provide the right amount of movement. Colors should stay true to ensure that they don’t fade or shrink. 

Manufacturing Process

Emerging brands need to pay attention to the accurate manufacturing of t-shirts. This perfect manufacturing will occur when they have a trustable t shirt manufacturer on their side. The skilled manufacturer will break all materials ahead of time, inspect the manufacturing tools, and use accurate manufacturing techniques. If a brand chooses to outsource its t-shirt manufacturing, they first need to confirm that its partner has safety measures to safeguard their brand reputation.

Techniques and Inspections

The brand must consider the most suitable printing and sewing techniques for their shirts. This also includes the inspection of shirts after they are printed and sewn. By this, the business persons can ensure that the stitches and graphics are top quality and that all details are precise.

Set Up Your Sales Channels

Set Up Your Sales Channels

In the 21st century, only some have the liberty to go out and visit physical shops in order to buy t shirts from a brand. Also, many reputed outlets have considered more convenient ways to attract a good customer base. To become a renowned brand, one must have an online platform to showcase the products and increase sales. This is because customers today want to sit comfortably at home and browse for apparel products. A brand must build trust, reveal the best t-shirts on an impressive website, and sell high-quality products. 

Sell Through Online Stores 

Acquiring a medium that can help boost sales is essential. One can think of it as an inevitable innovation that they are supposed to adapt. Many brands today take the assistance of other online portals like Amazon online e-commerce store. People indulge in searching for big e-commerce stores in the USA to window shop, and if they find something of interest, they instantly place an order. Thus, it will be a good initiative for any emerging entity to consider multiple options where the products can be sold. The process will help boost sales and enhance brands’ visibility in the online apparel industry. 

Social Media Assistance

Social media has a significant influence on people today. They believe in what they see, so utilizing social media for brand building provides more excellent opportunities for the growth enhancement of the business. The clothing company can run promotional campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and other online platforms. 

Video making could be another promising approach to capturing a broader customer base. Create the right video and get help from influencers to promote your brand. 

Handover Your Stress to The Supplier

In case the apparel business persons are wondering if they can manage everything on their own, they are not entirely, but somewhat mistaken. Initially, it might seem easy, but the fact that taking bulk orders and selling quality products is not a piece of cake. Customers can get frustrated and move on to the next best seller if they still need to get what they want. Therefore, the necessary thing to do is to partner with a skilled and knowledgeable private label clothes manufacturers to get a variety of products manufactured perfectly and promptly. 

Moreover, starting a t shirt clothing brand with the help of a shirt manufacturer can take the burden off since the supplier will deal with the production, customization, and quality of the t-shirts. This way, a brand can focus more on its sales and growth. 

What to See When Buying A T shirt

What to see when buying a T shirt

The first thing that attracts you whenever you are shopping for a t shirt is the design, artwork, texts and other writing. Nothing else matters. It’s like love at first sight. But there are still some considerations that you must keep in mind whenever you are buying a T shirt.

Fitting and Size

Fitting and Size

Some people really care about the size and fitting. It’s wise to go for one size that yiu can stick to for the whole year. It is because T shirts are difficult to fit your likeness and the one you love must stay in the wardrobe for long. The sizes of brands vary when shopping online. If you are really size conscious, better go to the shop with a measuring tape and take your size.  Make sure to double check it with the measurement chart for your satisfaction. This is important to note that the t shirt containing more cotton fibres shrinks easily which is why a large size is recommended for this fabric.

Stitching Quality

Stitching quality

Remember that the stitching of the shirt is mandatory as it affects the shape of the product. It will keep hanging down your body in wrong directions. There should be no twists in your collar otherwise it is considered a bad shirt. Same is the case with sleeve and body hems. Don’t be fooled that the hems will go smooth at home. If disorganized at shop, same will be at home.

Fabric Matters

Fabric Matters

This should be the top most priority. Usually T shirts are made with 100% cotton material. Sometimes a slight touch of polyester is given as well. Jersey us preferred for a slightly thin shirt. The expensive shirts are the one with interlock fabric.

Every fabric has its pros and cons. They are categorized differently. People are usually confused about how to select the right fabric. Well, here is a small guide to clear all your queries. This knowledge will be of great help to you. The fabrics vary according to the season so choose wisely after assessing your needs. The custom clothing vendors take high note of quality fabric before handing.

Selecting the Fabric of The T shirt

Do not compromise with the fabric of your shirt at all. It matters how long it is going to last and whether the printing quality is up to the mark. Everybody is happy when they wear a comfortable garment of superb quality be it young, old or a child. Every material used to create the shirt is unique in its own way.

Take a note of following points when choosing the fabric.

  • Climate: Well, you can’t wear summer clothes in winter or vice versa. With the wrong fabric you will sweat in summer and be chilly in winter.
  • Comfort: The garment is never appealing if it uncomfortable. Who would like to wear a tight, annoying or unpleasant T shirt?
  • Durability: A strong T shirt that can endure for a long time provides best services. Make sure the flexible fabric provides you quality time with T shirt for long.
  • Cost: Your finances should not shudder due to the cost of the shirt. A quality shirt always takes care of your affordability as well. Go for the one with good quality and affordable price.

For summers, the best fabric is cotton. It is extremely natural and soft. Polyester can be best to hold the shape. It suits the outdoor activities the most.

Check Your Pockets

In order to get started, let’s take a look at your budget. The T-shirts might not look expensive, but some of the offerings on the market can be quite pricey, so you need to keep that in mind, or you might need more time to make a wise decision. The amount of money you spend is up to you. 

However, you can avoid the burden by choosing the right t shirt manufacturer to control your unwanted expenses. The reason is that having bulk and customized shirts will cost less and allow you to capture a more significant customer market. 

Choose the Type

The type of t-shirt you wish to buy should also be considered. The importance of this can’t be overstated, and you shouldn’t overlook it at any expense. You’re good to go if you double-check everything. We are not looking for rushed decisions in this case, so be sure to consider your options and don’t make any rushed decisions.

You need to consider the best options possible in terms of t shirts for your business. Your brand must consider the vast options preferred by teenagers, adults, women and kids.

After reaching a certain age, many adults require non-fancy shirts for their daily use. And they look for a nice brand selling the tees at lower costs. On the other hand, teens look for stylish shirts to become a part of social-fashion trends. Parents choose decent yet funky clothes for small kids. Thus, a brand needs to consider each and every option before jumping into the business world, especially the sports apparel world.

Quality Assurance

Make sure you are a quality enthusiast since customers don’t compromise on their outfits’ quality. Sports t shirts are popular for many reasons, but quality stands at the top. Most importantly, the perfect fabric must be chosen wisely since it is the material that makes a shirt pure in quality. 

How to Style A T shirt for Day Look

How to style a T shirt for Day Look

During the day when hanging with friends or at office, the T shirt works in various ways as follows:

  • Put on a blazer: Blazer at work gives a decent look to you. Khaki shirt with a good pair of shoes suit the workplace environment.
  • Wear a skirt: The girls can rock the look of the blazer with a pencil or midi skirt. Ankle boots will add to your classy look.
  • Button down option: Tuck in the shirt in your jeans with a bottom down on top of it when going shopping or enjoying with friends.
  • Shorts and tucking: For summer, shorts and tee make a 0erfect combination. Tuck the shirt in your shorts and add the belt as a fashion piece.
  • Colors and patterns: A denim heavy outfit is a great addition to the plain white T shirt. A colorful T shirt goes best with beige khakis.

How to Style A T Shirt For Evening Looks

How to style a T shirt for evening looks

Take a look at following outfit ideas to dress yourself for evening look with T shirts.

  • High waisted pants: Give yourself a trendy look by tucking your tee in a high waist skirt, pants or jeans. The tee becomes the main part highlighting the patterns and colors. Fabric shines with baggier T shirts in this look.
  • French tuck: Also known as half tuck is when the shirt is tucked inside the pants from the front but the back and sides are on the loose.
  • Mini skirt and blazer: A flashy outfit is gained with a set of matching blazer and a skirt. A plain T shirt with a colorful and patterned blazer will create a look for a cocktail party.

Role of Clothing Manufacturers

Role of clothing manufacturers

The sports clothing brand achieves great design expertise by the clothing manufacturers. The renowned and experienced custom clothing manufacturers can suggest the best elements that are highly in use by the athletes, for example breathable materials, ergonomic designs etc. The manufacturers guide you well about the schemes of the colors and patterns that can be appealing to the sports lovers. They make sure not to compromise with the standards of quality. During the whole production process, there is a proper check on the quality so that the materials and the construction go hand in hand with the specifications of the brand. This saves the product from many sorts of defects and from the threat of being returned. They make sure not to compromise with the reputation of the brand. They also provide an option to the customers to customize their sportswear including the logos of the team, the names of the players, the numbers on the jerseys etc. This is done for the satisfaction of the customers and to show the loyalty to the brand.

There are various factors which decide the profit of your t shirts which includes the quality and style of the shirt that you are buying. This also includes the strategy that you use for the cost, marketing and brand. There is extremely intense competition in the market which is why you need to add uniqueness to your product. Get something different that is pleasing to the eyes of the customers. One simple way is the focus on specific segments of the customers. Shift your focus to a specific niche or lifestyle and print a t shirt according to that. That dedicated audience will increase the rate of your sale. For example if you think of a specific team, music brand or logo and design the shirts according to the genre, the fans will go crazy and lift your sale bar high up.

This ropes for high chances of profit if your design is amazing. It also roots for an appropriate strategy for marketing and understanding of your customers.

How to Carry Out The Steps?

Take a look at the other clothing brands who have the same target audience as yours so that you can know about the strategies of the marketing and costs and add something unique to your brand.

For a better feedback you can conduct the surveys and interviews to realize what the customer is actually looking for in your clothes line. This will help you improve your marketing strategies.

It is better if you stay in touch with the modern trends and technology. You must be aware of the recent fashion trends followed by people to include in your clothing brand or create something better out of it. This is one way to attract other fashion professionals as well.

Creativity is always better when worked with the team. You can always go to work with fashion designers once you have developed the aesthetic sense of fashion.

You must be able to take a good look at your brand and feel proud of it so that you can proceed with the designing process. Here comes the chance to select the color scheme and pattern. You take all elements one by one and assemble them to create something magical.

The materials are the best way to help your clothes stand out everywhere. So choose them wisely. You should also be able to develop prototypes. In this regard, you must work with a manufacturer until you are completely pleased with the final product. Once you are done with the design, you better start looking for a manufacturer, be at local or somebody you could outsource your work to. If you have the skills, why not start the process yourself?

You must get a clothing manufacturer who recognizes your sense of ability regarding clothes and has a great experience of creating high quality products. Before finalizing the deal, check the samples and evaluate if their work meets your taste. When satisfied with the craftsmanship, settle for the price.

You are all set to create a brand!

Points to Remember

Your business goals must be clear along with your achieving strategy before starting your clothing line. This mean you must have a proper sketch from the identity of your brand to the cost coverage. The elements required are as follows:

  • Identity of the brand: This means the name, logo and complete image of the brand must be held high. The identity must be able to highlight your target audience so that you can differentiate yourself from the competitors.
  • You must know who are your real customers and what do they need from your clothing brand. This will help you keep your stock in touch with the likes of the customers.
  • You must know what makes your product different from the others and what type of clothes must be sold. This can not only include simple and elegant designs but also bold and cold patterns.
  • You should be clear about the techniques for promoting your brand and satisfying the customers. This helps you go for social media advertising, partnerships with influencers and much more.
  • Cost must always be calculated before executing the plan. You must write down the starting expenses, the current amounts and the expected expenditure. You will be clear about your funding needs.
  • Once done, you are all ready to take a dig into the market. This means you can understand the demands of a product, identify your competitors, follow the trends of the industry.



Starting a t shirt clothing business might be tough, but enthusiastic entrepreneurs can manage everything with a little dedication and planning. A few things mentioned in the blog can help them grow their business. Acquiring a t shirt manufacturer will be of great help since the company will take away the pain of producing high-quality t shirts. The brands will have to provide design ideas to the manufacturer to get the desired results. 

Lastly, a variety of shirts with duplicity of fashionable touches complementing their uniqueness will only enhance the reputation of the t shirt clothing brand.  

Frequently Asked Questions

You can reach out to a t shit manufacturer through different means. Online platforms are a big help. Search on Google with specific keywords like clothing maker or custom clothing vendor to get immediate results. The trade shows of industry help you connect easily to the clothing manufacturers.

The production of T shirts and other basic apparels is the area of expertise especially for USA clothing manufacturers. They are able to produce a bulk amount of T shirts at a reasonable price in their own factories and production houses. There are some small business owners who use their own machinery and equipment by hiring a third-party manufacturer for producing the shirts. The game is all in the hands of manufacturers of custom printed clothing.

The shirt becomes Raglan through the construction of its sleeves where there is no seam on the shoulder. The seam actually is in the form of a diagonal that follows from the neck to underarm.


FitzRoy Somerset is the basic origin for the Raglan sleeve. During the Crimean war, there was a British military commander in 19 century who lost his arm in a war and got himself a coat stitched with extended sleeves to the collar without the shoulders seam. He was highly comfortable and easy in that dress which became popular among the soldiers.


Definitely! If you have a product which is designed amazingly, print shirts can give you a great profit. They are the highlight of the fashion industry and people of all ages and backgrounds wear it often which is why it has become a versatile product. The recent data shows high sale in T shirts which clarifies its popularity and demand. It is expected to grow more in the coming years.


Clothing manufacturers can be easily found on online directories or various search engines. You can always look for those manufacturers with great area of expertise and producing the clothes. Many brands around you may be working with the clothing manufacturers. You can ask for referring someone to you. You may get a list of the potential manufacturers yourself so that you can directly contact them.

Jhon Evan

I am a content specialist with expertise in generating in-depth content related to fitness, sports, and fashion apparel. As a passionate writer, I specialize in research of the latest ongoing trends, fabric origins and benefits, past famous apparel eras, and everything related to the clothing industry.

John Evan


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